Posted on: 21 May, 2005

Author: Flo Schell, EdM

WE know that the profession of franchise sales is an honorable one...and that many franchise sales professionals are great at what they do...but let's face it...for many people the word "selling" is a mighty nasty word...and the idea of dealing with a "salesperson" is akin to having a root canal! Even you and I have experienced obnoxious salespeople who have turned us off...made us cringe...and even stopped us from pursuing a purchase that we really wanted. So how can we expect our prospects to trust us if we ourselves have had a poor experience or two? Well, if you're anything like the franchise sales professionals that I're always up for a challenge! And what could be more challenging than the current climate that we find ourselves in? This is the era of the uninvited dinnertime Tele-Marketer and the "Do Not Call" era characterized by educated prospects who want to "invite" sales professionals into their lives...not be bombarded by them! And what does that create for us...the franchise sales professionals of the world? It creates a wonderful opportunity to prove that franchise salespeople are professional, and relationship-oriented and different from the rest! And when we handle our jobs in this way, it creates an opportunity for us to meet and surpass our quarterly sales goals at the same time. Are you in? I thought so! So, here we go... Step 1-KNOW YOURSELF AND YOUR PRODUCT OR SERVICE What makes you unique and what makes you tick? Why would prospects want to partner with you? Is it your knowledge? Or, is it your style? Is it the years of experience that you have in your business? Perhaps it's your openness and your ability to keep conversations going for a long, long time. Similarly, what is it about your franchised product or service that is unique? What can you tell someone about your concept that will make them curious and want to know more? What is it that your company offers that no other company can match? Step 2-GET CLEAR ON WHO YOU WANT TO ATTRACT Who are your "Ideal Prospects"? Have you profiled those individuals? What qualities do they have? What skillsets? What traits? Create an "Ideal Prospects" checklist. List all of the qualities that you are looking for and keep it in full sight. Be open to the idea that you can ADD or SUBTRACT from this list as your business profile changes. Imagine what it would be like to be in a business partnership with these types of people. Step 3-LOOK FOR YOUR "IDEAL PROSPECTS" EVERYWHERE This is like a treasure hunt. Sure, your prospects are coming to you primarily via the internet...but where else can you find them? What newspapers and magazines do they read? What radio stations do they listen to? What TV shows do they watch? What types of advertisements can you create for those media? Where might you meet your prospects in person? Do they hang out in Starbucks or at the local gym? Go them out! Step 4-CREATE AN IMAGE FOR THESE INDIVIDUALS TO SEE How can you portray yourself and your concept to your ideal prospects? What can you send them that will make them curious about your business? Should you include a picture of your flagship store or a photo of your smiling face? Can you pose a question in your copy that will make them say...Hmmm? Should your business card be strictly professional or warm and casual? If you were them, what would make YOU reach out? Step 5-IMAGINE YOURSELF CONVERSING WITH EXACTLY THE TYPES OF PROSPECTS YOU SEEK If you could talk with your ideal prospects right now, what would you like to find out about them? How would you introduce yourself? What questions could you ask to put them at ease? Would you listen more than you speak? What would you be listening for? What would you want them to know about you and your business? Preparation is good! Step 6-BE A CONVERSATION STARTER People love to talk about themselves! Ask some "open ended" questions. Listen to their responses. Listen some more. Now listen behind the words for what is not being said. It's great to come from a place of curiosity. What can this person teach you? What connections might you have? What commonalities of experience? Is this someone who might be a good fit for your business? How can you move this new relationship from acquaintainship to partnership? Step 7-MOVE IT FORWARD If you're feeling good about this prospect...go for it! When you're comfortable in your own skin, and obviously excited about your business, you'll inspire your prospects to want to learn more. Just be yourself. Share what inspired you to join your franchise company. Tell a fun story about how you got started. Be clear about what it is that makes your business special to you...and then move the relationship forward by inviting your prospects to take the next step. Step 8-WATCH FOR THE 'MAGIC CLICK' As you're conversing and moving through the process, check in with how you're feeling about this person. Are you on the same wave length? Do you speak the same language? Is the conversation flowing...or stagnant? What can you do to enliven the connection? Go ahead and do it! Step 9-GUIDE YOUR PROSPECT THROUGH THE DISCOVERY PROCESS Invite your prospect to 'try you on' inviting them in for a personal meeting. Be prepared to excite and inform them on Discovery Day. Nurture your new connection. Help them to meet others in your franchise organization and to get their questions answered. Be sure they get to watch you interacting with your team-mates...allow them to see the comradeship you feel for one another. Set a realistic timeline for discovery. Send them home with a smile and an eagerness to be awarded your franchise. Step 10-BE READILY AVAILABLE TO THEM EVERY STEP OF THE WAY Keep in touch with your prospects consistently. Even if they're not returning your phone calls, it's not over until they say, "no". When you sense a concern, meet it head on. Allow yourself to be easy to find and easy to work with. Go to bat for them when you can...and when you can't, let them know that. Return their calls promptly. Follow up diligently. Remain optimistic. Move through the quarter expecting the best. Be the person that stands by their side as they move from prospect to franchisee. Celebrate with them at your next annual conference! SO HOW MUCH FUN IS THIS? Franchise sales professionals get more opportunities than most to connect with good people, form new relationships, create partnerships, and help people to grow and prosper in a business suited just for them! We are fortunate to be in a position to share the success of the franchising business model with exactly the right people! Until we meet again...Happy Selling! Article Tags: Franchise Sales Professionals, Franchise Sales, Sales Professionals, Make Them, Ideal Prospects Source: Free Articles from Flo Schell,EdM,is Founder of Franchise Coaching Systems and has been featured in Success magazine and The Wall Street Journal. She is the former Vice President of Franchise Development for Sylvan Learning Systems. Sign up for free newsletter, "The Future of Franchising" at Contact information: Phone: 732-528-4385; E-mail: [email protected] 2005, all rights reserved.